YORKTON - At its most recent regular meeting Yorkton Council approved the City’s Five Year Capital Plan – March 2025, in order to meet the terms of the Municipal Funding Agreement under the Canada Community-Building Fund Program.
Director of Finance Ashley Stradeski explained the city receives annual funding from the Canada Community Building Fund (formerly known as the Gas Tax Program).
The grant is typically used for large scale capital projects. Previous projects using this funding include: Highway #9 improvements, street light improvements, roadway reconstruction, storm water management, the reconstruction of Darlington/Mayhew, and now the York Road Reconstruction Project.
Yorkton receives approximately $990,000 annually from this Federal grant, which goes towards the annual capital budget.
The Municipal Funding Agreement under the Canada Community-Building Fund Program (CCBF), which has been signed and approved by the City, has a stipulation where the municipalities are required to provide the province with a five year capital plan, updated annually.
The plan is a general guideline in order to meet the requirements of the agreement, noted Stradeski. As facility priorities and asset management plans evolve; so too will the capital plan. He added, the plan has not undergone the capital budget process; rather, it is a listing of optional potential projects that could be proposed over the next five years and is not inclusive of all potential projects which could arise through our regular capital budgeting process. The purpose of this is to identify to the Province that the City is planning ahead, identifying project needs in advance and taking appropriate steps to achieve long-term goals and funding requirements. Smaller projects have been left off the list in order to keep it manageable.