YORKTON - The 19th Annual Sliding Hills Charolais and Mission Ridge Herefords Bull Sale was held Saturday southeast of Canora.
The sale saw 25 Charolais bulls gross $225, 450, for an average of $8,970.
The 17 Hereford bulls grossed $123,750 for an average of $7,279.
The total sale gross was $348,000, with an overall average of $8,286.
The high selling Charolais was Lot 1 SHSH Hyman 16M which sold for $35,000 to Turnbull Charolais of Pincher Creek, Alta.
The Hereford high seller was Lot 48 MR 40K Journeyman 110M which sold for $12,000 to Claude Wasden of Spiritwood, Sask.