MOOSE JAW — This year’s World Day of Prayer (WDP) service will occur in the evening instead of the afternoon so more people can attend and learn about women’s struggles in the Cook Islands.
St. Aidan Anglican Church at 124 First Avenue Northeast is hosting the prayer service at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 7. Everyone is invited to attend the event, which includes a video, music and stories from Christian women from the СƵ Pacific.
This year’s theme is “I made you wonderful,” which comes from the Bible, specifically, the Psalms, chapter 139, verse 14.
Besides the service, St. Aidan is also hosting a potluck supper on Friday, Feb. 28 at 5:30 p.m. This is an intergenerational event with people from other community churches. Attendees will learn about the Cook Islands and make accessories to wear at the worship service.
The World Day of Prayer (WDP) service has been held in the afternoon for years, but this year’s organizers said they changed it to the evening so more people can attend — especially younger people and families.
The , one of the founders of this prayer movement, is co-ordinating WDP activities across this country, while a New York-based international committee is offering support to other participating nations.
WDP, which began in 1927, is an international, ecumenical, women-led movement that enables participants to hear the thoughts of women worldwide, including their hopes, concerns and prayers. More than 120 countries celebrate the day, which begins in Samoa and then heads west through Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe and finishes in the Americas 38 hours later.
Last year, over 1.5 million Christians speaking 90 languages in 150 countries united in spirit to pray for relevant issues affecting women and children, especially in Palestine.
From WDP donations over the last 40 years, WICC has distributed over $3 million for small projects to restore hope to women and children touched by injustice.
“The 2025 WDP program invites us into the knowledge that each one of us was made with care and love by God. When we can receive this profound truth, everything in our life changes and we begin to radiate and shine from within,” WICC says. “We also learn how to treat every other person as made wonderful by God.
“Too often, women and girls have been silenced and oppressed, making this upcoming theme from WDP Cook Islands particularly relevant,” WICC continued.
“The message that we, as women and girls, are ‘fearfully and wonderfully’ made in the image of God reinforces our movement’s support of women in expressing their faith and speaking about their lives in prayer and worship before God and in community.”
The worship service invites participants to notice aspects of their “divinely created bodies” that they often take for granted, the website said. The Bible study prompts dialogue around Psalm 139, particularly focusing on the relationship between God and each person.
Furthermore, the children’s program includes a popular song from the Cook Islands and several activities for colouring and creating neck garlands and flower head crowns. Also, there is information about the Cook Islands’ history, with an emphasis on women’s achievements.
The Cook Islands are a group of 15 islands in the СƵ Pacific Ocean that have a rich and colourful Māori heritage and a deep connection to nature, WICC said. The islands were first inhabited between 500 to 800 A.D., by people from French Polynesia.
Captain James Cook, the British explorer, visited during his expeditions of 1773 and 1777, and named the group the Hervey Islands, after a British Lord of the Admiralty. However, 50 years later, Russian cartographer, Admiral Adam Johann von Krusenstern, renamed them the Cook Islands to honour the great explorer.
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