WEYBURN - The deadline for nominations for the 2025 WEYBEX Awards, presented by the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce is quickly approaching.
The deadline for nominations is March 31, 2025. Nominations can be submitted through the Weyburn Chamber’s WEYBEX Awards website at https://weyburncc.awardify.io/.
The WEYBEX awards are held every second year to celebrate business success in the city and surrounding area. Nominations are open to businesses, organizations and individuals in the City of Weyburn and immediate area.
The patron sponsor for the awards is the Weyburn Credit Union, which also sponsors the Business of the Year award.
This award winner is chosen from the winners in the categories of Golden Service, New or Expanded Business and Community Involvement.
The Leadership Excellence Award, sponsored by Saskatchewan Blue Cross, is awarded to a person who exemplifies leadership qualities within the business.
The Golden Service award, sponsored by MNP, recognizes a local business dedicated to customer satisfaction that consistently demonstrates excellence in the delivery of its products and services.
The Community Involvement award, sponsored by SaskEnergy, is awarded to a business demonstrating outstanding performance in contributing to recreation, amateur sports, arts and culture, health care, education and charitable or non-profit groups.
The New and-or Expanded Business, sponsored by Community Futures Sunrise, is awarded to a business established or expanded in the past three years and demonstrating exceptional performance in terms of expansion into a new product, service, line of business, or in the creation of new markets and/or jobs.
The Business Hall of Fame, sponsored by Doane Grant Thornton, recognizes pioneer and cornerstone business leaders demonstrating long-term excellence and contributing to the economic well-小蓝视频 of Weyburn and area.
The 2025 WEYBEX Awards will be presented on May 9, 2025, at McKenna Hall.
For more information, contact the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce at 306-842-4738, or visit their office at 11 Third Street, Weyburn.