Shaun was born March 23, 1987 in Weyburn to Allan and Kathy Seghers. He was a little brother to Steve and Scott. Steve had wanted a sister so despite the fact Shaun was a boy, the next day at school he told everyone that he got a sister! Shaun grew up in Weyburn and attended Assinaboia Park School, Weyburn Junior High and then Weyburn Comprehensive School where he graduated in 2005. During his years in school he played and tried many sports. He was successful in some and some he didn't like at all. He was a great athlete with whatever he tried, but hockey was always his passion. Shaun was the captain for the EnCana Wings and then moving on to play for the Weyburn Red Wings and finally playing Senior Hockey for the Arcola-Kisbey Combines. Growing up Shaun idolized his big brother Steve. It was always a big deal when he was allowed to hang out with Steve and his friends. Shaun looked to Steve for advice and often followed in Steve's footsteps, if Steve did it then you knew it wouldn't be long before Shaun was doing it too. They both played hockey for the Red Wings, bartended at Fitzgeralds, worked on the rigs and finally Shaun enjoyed his hockey seasons playing for the Arcola-Kisbey Combines just as Steven had. Over the years these common interests brought them even closer and they remained best friends. It was a great thing too because the bond between Steve and Shaun resulted in free labour when any renovations or projects needed to be completed! Shaun and Scott perfected the art of sibling warfare when they were younger. It seemed the only time they could get along was when they were out on the water behind the boat. Shaun worked with Scott at 2-4-1 Pizza where Scott taught his little brother how to give away free pizza and donuts without getting caught! Shaun was always ridiculously proud of his pizza throwing abilities. As they got older they also became good friends and they shared a large network of friends, so they often ended up at the same place. Scott said he was always there to listen and talk and he really enjoyed the random unpredictable visits when Shaun would just pop over. Meghan laughs every time she thinks about Shaun, the big tough guy, crying and squealing like a little girl every time he saw a spider web in the basement. He was actually a real wuss. She admired the amount of love he had for everyone and made special mention of what a wonderful uncle he was to her kids. Shaun took full advantage of his little brother status after he graduated. He lived with Scott for a while and then moved in with us for a while. Like Kathy said he was willing to live where ever there was a decent place to sleep and food in the fridge! The past couple years all three brothers worked together on the rigs. This time was spent working, laughing, bickering and making memories together. Shaun was known to run guys off the rig "like it was going out of style." It was his way or the highway! Anyone that knew Shaun knew that he was a hard worker with anything he did, this was a trait he most certainly inherited from his dad. Allan also taught Shaun how to pick his battles - one story he remembers, happened on a family vacation out to B.C. We were filling up the vehicle with gas and a guy said to Allan, "Are those your legs or are you riding a chicken?" Shaun looked at his dad and said, "Are you going to take that?" Allan had to demonstrate his calm and cool personality and show Shaun "the hot head" how to walk away. Shaun was very adventurous. He loved to go boating with his friends -- as long as dad had the boat filled with gas! One adventure that dad recalls with so much joy is a quadding trip they took to B.C in the mountains. Kathy was so worried about him on the steep mountain trails but he loved every second of it! They went up as high as they could on the old prospector trails, when they finally hit the end of the trails they got off and hiked to the top of the mountain. Dad said it was unbelievable as they stood at the top together and looked down at the whole Panarama Ski Hill. Another favourite memory dad had was skiing at Lake Louise. Dad spent all day on the bunny hill because he had never skied before. Shaun told him he was doing good and convinced him to go on the mountain. Dad said before he could even get pointed in the right direction Shaun was gone and he was standing at the top of the mountain all by himself! Shaun was by all accounts a total "momma's boy" and he was proud to admit it! At 25 years old he loved that his mom still did his laundry for him and would cook for him. If he didn't make it for meal time it wasn't a big deal, he was over almost daily to clean out the leftovers in the fridge and pack a lunch for work the next day. He used mom's Tupperware but was sure to bring it back so it could be refilled! Kathy's face would light up when she saw or talked about any of her boys. But little Shaun had a magic ability to get her to do anything he wanted! She always hated tattoos, but Shaun even found a way around that. One year for Mother's Day he got "mom" tattooed over his heart with a halo above it. She couldn't resist loving it! Shaun never wanted to disappoint his parents, he would always strive to be the best at everything he did. And often took time to call home and tell them he loved them. Shaun was a very proud when he became an uncle to Samara and then again to Titan. The way his chest puffed out and the pride he showed when he talked about them you would have thought he was their dad! He always bragged that he was their Godfather and for Christmas one year we bought him a belt buckle that said "Godfather." He wore that thing all the time and knew how important it was! He would come over and visit and he always made that time all about the kids. Samara loved to make him get down on the floor and do the sparkly princess puzzle and he made her believe there was nothing he would want to be doing more! Titan made sure he got his turn with Uncle Shaun and they regularly fit in wrestle time before Uncle Shaun could leave. Titan is so much like is his Uncle Shaun it is scary - we know we are in for a lot of excitement! Shaun always told me that when Samara started dating he and Steve would be hiding in the bushes with their paintball guns to make sure the boys brought her home on time. No matter what anyone did for him (even if he should have just done it himself) he would let you know what you did wrong and he would explain in detail how he could have done it better! He was never a fake guy. The term he wore his heart on his sleeve was created just for Shaun. When he liked you, you knew it and when he didn't like you, you also knew it. He was unforgettable, if you met him once he left an impression! Shaun was many things and one of these was loyal. Shaun's loyalty to his friends was beyond description. His worst quality was also his best. As everyone knows and can attest to, he was stubborn, very stubborn and you learned to live with and love that about him. So many of the stories we have been sharing over the last few days are proof of his stubbornness. Shaun had an incredible sense of humour and loved to make a statement where ever he went. It might have been with his bizarre fashion sense at times, or the many pranks he pulled on everyone. He was the type of guy that could talk anyone into doing all kinds of crazy things - swimming in sloughs or mud pits are a couple that come to mind. I can't even imagine some of the stories we haven't heard!! We all know what a morning person he was and a favourite Shaun quote was "it usually doesn't help to tell a grouchy person that they look grouchy first thing in the morning." Shaun's love for movies and music and his ability to recite every movie quote or song lyric was phenomenal. When he worked for 小蓝视频ern Range on their way to the rig in the morning they would listen to "name that tune" on the radio. Shaun won so many free breakfasts from Carves that he was asked by the radio station not to call in anymore. Shaun loved his hot holidays - I think it was because he could have his shirt off and show off his chest!! He travelled to the Dominican where he proudly stood up for Steve and I on our wedding day. He went to Mexico with his close friends Troy, Rikki and Katie and to Cuba with Troy, Rikki, Katie and Luff, he also travelled to Hawaii. I have so many wonderful memories of Shaun. He and I loved to watch Sons of Anarchy. He would come over after and we would sit and predict what was going to happen next - it drove Steve crazy! He was hilarious and so maddening at times. We could fight about almost anything and even if he agreed with me he would argue just for the pleasure of seeing me mad. The fact that he was scared of me often worked to my advantage too, it was well known even if he disagreed with me between the two of us I still usually got my way. If someone could challenge his stubbornness it would be me! He always bragged about what a good cook I was and when he lived with us he commented to Steve that he finally understood why he had gained so much weight! He always said I was the sister he never had and I always considered him my brother. I knew he was there for me and I loved him for how he loved all of us. It wouldn't be right for me to talk about Shaun's life without mentioning one of his closest friends Brennan. Over the past summer it was rare to see them apart. They both came and helped us when we built our deck, Shaun worked with him pouring concrete for a while and of course they knew where to find a few beers to enjoy together. Brennan held a special place in the Segher's family, he was always around when Shaun was and we just came to expect him if we knew Shaun was coming. He was always so respectful and we enjoyed every moment we were able to spend with him. He was such a funny person and was always joking around. When I was pregnant each time he thought he was so funny when told everyone at the hockey games that he was the father! Luff is going to be missed terribly but I know that he and Shaun are taking good care of each other up there. Every time we see a shooting star we will know that they are up there still shooting pucks at each other and fighting over who has the most points! When Shaun did something he did it totally and completely. When he partied he partied hard. When he worked, he worked hard and when he fell in love, he fell hard. He didn't do anything half way and this was something that we all loved about him even when it drove us crazy! Shaun had a laugh you could hear three houses over! He was always the life of the party and never sat in the same spot too long. He was loud, he was animated and just perfectly Shaun. The other night when Samara and I were on our way home we saw one star that was much brighter than the rest. Samara looked up in the sky and said "mom look that bright star it is Uncle Shaun", and as we drove she watched it and kept saying he is following us. We told her the angels took him to heaven and when she missed him she just had to look to the stars and he would be there. It is reassuring to know that he is up there watching over all of us. It will always be said that he undoubtedly loved and lived his life every day. He will be missed but he lives on in all of us and the many memories we made with him. We love and miss you terribly. This is the tribute written and read by his sister-in-law Tamara Seghers. Shaun is predeceased by his grandparents, Hector and Mae Seghers and Stephen and Sue Hornsberger; uncle, Dale Seghers; and cousins, Tyler Tangedal, Brian Wanner, and Baby Wanner. Shaun is lovingly remembered by parents, Allan and Kathy Seghers of Weyburn; brothers, Steve (Tamara) Seghers of Weyburn, and Scott (Meghan) Seghers of Weyburn; the two most precious people in his life, niece and nephew, Samara and Titan Seghers; aunts and uncles, Don (Rose) Hornsberger of St. Albert, AB, Shirley (Bob) Wanner of Okotoks, AB, Sharon (Howard) Cornick of Fairmont Hot Springs, BC, Carol (Rudy) Tangedal of Salt Coats, SK, Lori (Dallas) Locken of Tribune, Wayne (Carole) Seghers of Fairview, AB, and Val Foote of Weyburn; A/K Combines Hockey Team as well as numerous cousins, relatives and friends. A Memorial Service was held Monday, December 17 at 2:00 PM from Grace United Church with Reverend M. Barnabas and Reverend John Ferrier officiating. Honourary Pallbearers were Josh Williams, Sterling Labatte, Troy Miller, Blake Collins, Brandon Bernard, Bucky Schneider, Dane Mazenc, Carter Hilkewich and Brennan Luffman. Donations in memory of Shaun may be made to the Arcola-Kisbey Combine Hockey Club, Box 330 Arcola, SK S0C 0G0 or The Canadian Diabetes Association. Condolences may be left at: Arrangements entrusted to Fletcher Funeral Chapels, Weyburn, 306-842-5432