Ella Little (nee Phelps) passed away gracefully and peacefully surrounded by her four children this past Monday due to a stroke. She was predeceased by her husband Robert Little (2007).Born in Wilkie Saskatchewan, she grew up in a prominent political family. Her father, Joseph Phelps was always on the move. He was a founder of the CCF and sat for 8 years as СƵ and part of TC Douglas’ cabinet. The he was President of the Sask. Farmers Union of 22 years and founder of the Western Development Museums and Pionera. From this heritage, Ella drew her most notable qualities. She woke every morning with a purpose. After her own mother’s untimely death when Ella was 19, she started farm life at the age of 20 and raised four children. As on many prairie homesteads, it was a difficult start, but with time and struggle, Ella and Carl Goranson built a thriving farm and concrete business (Souris Valley Industries) on the powerline road, 7 miles east of Weyburn. A life change brought her to British Columbia and she moved seamlessly from farming and precast concrete to high-fashion. Arriving in a motor home with Robert Little, the vehicle was sold and the proceeds applied to the purchase of a modest woman’s wear store that she renamed “Ella’s”. Over the next 40 years, it grew to be a recognized landmark in Langley. She became an outstanding player in the retail world. She distinguished herself as a dynamic and progressive icon. She attracted an impressive clientele and secured lasting friendships with many customers and business associates in Canada, the United States and Europe. She made payroll until she was 82 years old. She then retired amidst fanfare and admiration. Despite her commitment to business and community, Ella’s priority was always family. Her children, David Goranson, Joanne LeDressay, Carla Oberg and Richard Goranson all followed her to British Columbia. She was a constant gathering point for them and ultimately for her adoring grandchildren and now great grandchild, Felix. Having lost her own mother early, she gave herself fully to enjoying, encouraging and СƵ an active part of their development. She introduced all of them, Jesse, Jacob, Jocelyn, Nicole, Joe and Zoe to many varied experiences, together and individually, locally and internationally. Our loss of this magnificent human СƵ will be felt by many. A celebration of her life washeld at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, February 6 at Newlands Golf and Country Club in Langley BC.