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Time to cut the spin

The Editor,Unfortunately, but as expected, the letter from the Sask Party Constituency President for Estevan was full information that is not true.

The Editor,Unfortunately, but as expected, the letter from the Sask Party Constituency President for Estevan was full information that is not true. Estevan people and businesses know the facts, they understand a balance sheet, and they know their priorities. They will not be tricked by the Wall government's spin.The letter of untruths states that the Wall government has balanced the budget each year. This is a ludicrous statement and one that is disproved by the Wall government's own budget documents and Finance minister that state that the current year's projected deficit is $662 million, that they ran a deficit last year and that they project to run another deficit next year. This will provide the Wall government with a record of three consecutive deficit budgets, costing families and business billions of dollars, to take to voters in 2011. These deficits have been run at a time of record highs in revenues, providing Wall no excuse for his massive deficits. This is a shameful record and out-of-line with Saskatchewan people's expectations.The letter also falsely states that debt has been paid off by half. This is not true, but who can blame the president of the Sask Party constituency for not knowing this when his own leader, and our Premier, Brad Wall, shamelessly mislead Saskatchewan people with massive billboards full of spin. All one has to do is refer to the Wall Government's own budget documents to once again realize that nothing could be further from the truth. From page 62, of the Wall Government's 2010/2011 Budget Summary released on budget day, it highlights that government debt will grow by more than 55 per cent by 2014. The Sask Party has also failed with respect to Saskatchewan people's priorities, such as health care, cost-of-living, and fiscal mismanagement. It is shameful that the Wall Government won't even let facts and reality stand in the way of their relentless boosterism and cheerleading. The fact and realities speak for themselves. Even the Mercury's own online poll had over 50 per cent of voters agreeing with the statement that the current Saskatchewan government takes for granted the citizens of the Estevan constituency.Our economy is strong as result of our resources, the hard work of Saskatchewan's people and businesses, but we suffer from bad government, unfortunately one that has been repeatedly discredited and will not even tell the truth.Message to Brad Wall: quit lying to us, tell the truth, and ask your party to do the same. Oh and by the way, Brad, we have few matters that need dealing with: a doctor shortage, long-term care cuts, skyrocketing cost-of-living, financial mismanagement, no commitment to twinning Highway 39 in your five-year plan, privatization of new power generation, your attacks on working people and labour, and a contract for our needed health care workers, to name but few. Cut the spin and get to work, Brad Wall.Taren TrewEstevan, Sask(Editor's Note: Trew is the president of the Estevan NDP Constituency Association)

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