Jan 6, 2012 was the Carlyle Skating Club's Test Day. It started around 11:30 am & went until 7:30 pm.
The judges came in from Regina and skaters from surrounding clubs visited Carlyle to be tested. We'd like to congratulate our Carlyle skaters that passed as follows: Taris Rae: Canasta Dance; Anna Doty: Canasta Dance; Brittany Rowe: Canasta Dance; Kyla Fischer: Swing Dance; Rese King: Willow Dance; Rylan King: Willow Dance; Katie Rowley: Swing Dance; Kailyn Wilson: Swing Dance; Halle Doty: Keats Dance; Jasmine Pylatuik: 10 Fox Dance; Taylor Osadchuk: Willow Dance, Preliminary Skills; Kacey Valentine: Harris Dance.
Some of the skaters participated in a competition that same weekend (Jan 7 & 8) in Minot.
Congratulations also to those competing in Minot last weekend:
Halle Doty: FreeSkate Solo 4th, FreeSkate Short 5th, Harris Tango Dance 3rd, Survivor 4th.
Kyla Fischer: FreeSkate Solo 5th, FreeSkate Short 4th, Swing Dance 3rd, Survivor 6th.
Taris Rae: FreeSkate Solo 6th, FreeSkate Short 3rd, Canasta Dance 3rd
Jocelyn Henry: Kilian Dance 2nd, Survivor 5th.