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Stoughton Credit Union employees get pied in the face

People were very generous with support for a Telemiracle fundraiser.

STOUGHTON - Telemiracle is a well-known and large fundraiser held in February in Saskatchewan each year by the Kinsmen and Kinette clubs.

Many organizations and individuals get involved to raise money for this worthy event and the Stoughton Credit Union is no different.

Karla Gervais from the SCU produced an idea in hopes to raise more donations for Telemiracle.

The bank had four goals. If they raised $200 the loans manager Jolene Martin would receive a pie to the face. If they raised another $250 the manager of lending Derek Baumgartner would also get a pie. Should they raise another $300 the general manager Christine Corscadden would also be included in this treat. When raising another $400 they would give an ultimate SCU swag gift to a lucky winner.

Each person that donated to the Telemiracle fundraiser would have their name put in a bag to be drawn for the pie toss.

Through the dedication of staff and clients, they successfully raised $1,200 for Telemiracle and now three people would have the fun of tossing a pie in the management’s face.

On March 17, three chairs were lined with plastic and along the floor.

The three victims emerged from their offices, clothed in rain gear and a shower cap to meet their winners.

Kaspin Bigstone, Tonnia Haywahe and Shirley Coderre were the lucky ones, while Steve Massel won the swag gift.

Five-year-old Kaspin would have a pie that looked like a cow paddy, as there had been a cow on the Telemiracle posters and they felt this was fitting.

The small crowd found this quite entertaining as they cheered on the three who made a perfect placement of the pies.

Gervais thanked everyone for their donations to this worthy cause.


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