The results of the senior centre's activitiesfromSeptember5to September 11:
Bridge: (Monday) 1stAndy Goeres,2ndJohn Whitell, 3rdGeorge Gillies.
Bridge (Friday): 1stJoyce Hemphill,2ndVern Leach,3rdJean Janoski.
Trump Whist: 1stElsie Postey,2ndMinnie Borshowa,3rdBasil Holyer.
Hi-Lo Whist Tournament: 1stNorma Lohse andNeva Schultz, 2ndConnie and Ray Boucher, 3rdJim Kaz and Willie Nimegeers.
Canasta: 1stIrene O'Byrne, 2ndAnnie Balzer,3rdMary Halbert.
Kaiser: 1stMelba Bent andFran Franks, 2ndAnnie Balzer andKay Bachman,3rdMary Schiller andJoyce Hemphill.
Crib: Thursday 1stHoward Giroux and Basil Holyer, 2ndMerle Leavens and Ray Boucher, 3rdEdna Clarke and Jean Wawro.
Crib: Friday 1stCarol Simmons and Sylvia Lieb, 2ndGerald Mohrand Arlene Pattyson, 3rdBirdie McKenzie and Pat Eberle.
Snooker Tournament September 9: 1stRoyce Hallbergand Lynell Husum, 2ndWillie Nimegeers and Ray Boucher, 3rdJohn TumbackandMerle Leavens.
Bridge Tournament September 11:1stCathy Hoffart andJanice Wilson, 2ndAl Fellner and Bernie Collins, 3rdJimBrown andLucie Nickel.
Upcoming Events:ThePioneers will be playing at the Tuesday afternoon dance onSeptember 21. Seniors Week is from September 27 to October 3 in Saskatchewan.As part of Seniors Week there is a luncheonat the Centre on Wednesday, September 29 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.The cost is $6.00 a person for beef on a bun, pie and coffee. There is a bake sale on Thursday, September 30 from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.On Saturday, October 2 there will bea dessert social from 1 to 3 p.m. for $2. During the week of September 26 to October 2 there will be a silent auction at the Centre.