The results of the Senior Centre's activities from July 24 to July 30:
Bridge: (Friday) First Jim Brown, second Annie Balzer and third Marion Brown.
Bridge: (Monday) First Marion Brown, second John Whitell and third Jim Brown.
Trump Whist: First tied Ed Bartlett, Ezella Gatzke, and second Roger Marcotte.
Hi-Lo Whist: First Jim and Marion Brown, second tied Marg Leavens and Ezella Gatzke, Basil Holyer and Kay Bachman.
Canasta: First Marlene Decker, second Jean Knibbs and third Ellen Eddy.
Kaiser: First Jean Fahlman and John Schiller, second Roger and Marie Marcotte, third June Matters and Annie Balzer.
Thursday Crib: First Connie and Ray Boucher, second Bill and Joan Harder, third June Matters and Carol Spencer.