The results of the Senior Centre's activities from April 16 to April 23:
Bridge: (Monday) First Chris Diemert, second Harry Schiller and third Linda Kot.
Bridge: (Friday) First Jim Brown, second Berty Lou Dreis and third Jean Janoski.
Trump Whist: First Rose Levesque, second Ray Boucher and third Ed Bartlett.
Hi-Lo Whist: First Christine Herlick and Phyllis Lindskog, second Jim and Marion Brown, third Roger and Marie Marcotte.
Canasta: First Minnie Borshowa, second Lillian Collins and third Christine Herlick.
Kaiser: First Doug and Edith Lupanko, second June Matters and Annie Balzer, third Roger and Marie Marcotte.
Crib (Thursday - April 16): First Hilda Rohloff and Norma Lohse, second Marg Leavens and Vi Paterson, third Christine Herlick and Phyllis Lindskog.
Crib (Thursday - April 23): First Ray and Connie Boucher, second Christine Herlick and Phyllis Lindskog, third Shirley Hubbs and Pat Buttner.
Shuffleboard: First Agnes Tumback and Leroy Damman, second Pat Schutz and Doreen Leslie, third Marie Marcotte and Ray Boucher.