The results of the senior centre's activitiesfor the week ofOctober10 toOctober 16:
Bridge: (Monday) 1stJim Brown, 2nd Jean Janoski, 3rd Joyce Hemphill.
Bridge: (Friday) 1stMarion Brown, 2nd Lucie Nickel, 3rdElfrieda Mantay.
TrumpWhist: 1stPhyllis Lindskog, 2ndBernice Carlson,3rd Basil Holyer.
Hi-Lo Whist: 1stMyrna Oxelgren and Ezella Gatzke, 2ndCris Herlickand Ione Ernst, 3rdKay BachmanandBasil Holyer.
Canasta: 1st Mary Halbert, 2ndEllen Eddy,3rd Elaine Frasz.
Kaiser: 1stChris Diemert andDorothy Lacaille, 2ndAgnes Tumback andAlice Schneider, 3rdJohn Schiller andBasil Holyer.
Crib: (Thursday) 1stAnnie Balzer and Basil Holyer,2ndEdna Clarkeand Maurice Miller,3rdMarg Leavens and Vi Paterson.
Crib: (Friday) 1stLouise Belanger,2ndRay Boucher,3rdLydia Borys.
Snooker Tournament: (October 14) 1st Willie Nimegeers and Merle Leavens, 2nd Rouce Hallberg and Owen Hewitt, 3rd Bing Jaster and Robert Schultz.
Upcoming Events:Beryl and EdMazur will be playing at the Tuesday afternoon dance onOctober 26.