The second annual Duck Derby, co-ordinated by City of Weyburn employees, is set for August 30.
Last year's Duck Derby, which saw 1,000 ducks racing for the finish line, was such a success, the organizers have upped the ante by offering 5,000 ducks for adoption this year.
The numbered ducks will be dumped in to the Souris River and competing for cash prizes. The price is $5.00 per duck, three for $10.00 or 10 for $30.00, and they are available at the Police聽 Station, City Hall, Public Works Department and through city employees. Fifty percent of the proceeds will be donated to the 2015 Weyburn and District United Way Communithon.
This year, the fundraiser will be held in conjunction with Weyburn United Way's official kick-off to Communithon. The event, which will include a barbeque lunch (hot dog, chips and a pop for $5.00), face painting, games and more, will run from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Tatagwa Boardwalk, east of Third Street, with the duck drop at 12:00 p.m.