I saw a female deer in my rear-view mirror. It was a case of hind sight.
Do you have visions? I came close to having one today at a celebration at St Michael's Camp, Madge Lake, Saskatchewan. I was in the midst of a banquet celebration following a Living Rosary and the Mass.
I had just visited with former students, fellow Knights of Columbus from several Councils, parents of campers at the lake and newly met brothers and sisters in Christ when I noticed what could be described as a revelation. Everyone was happy.
I mean even the persons serving the food were smiling as more bags of perogies were brought out to cook. Those standing in line waiting for food were smiling. None of the babies were crying!
In a homily entitled "Shining like the Sun" Father Brendan McGuire shared this Thomas Merton story about a visit he took to Louisville one day when he was called to do errands on behalf of the monastery.
Merton writes: "I was in the middle of the shopping district when I was suddenly overwhelmed by the realization that I loved all these people. I could see in the secret of their hearts, their beauty. They were walking around shining like the sun. I wonder why is it that we cannot see that all the time with all the people."
Another thought struck me as I drove home from Madge Lake. Someday I will be reunited with my wife after we both cross over to the eternal. We will be together, in love, as we were forty four years ago.
We will see only each other's graces and good qualities. We will see through the eyes of love which sometimes get fogged up in forty four years of marriage. What I am describing here happens among those we love, like family members, even best friends.
It is easy to find fault and to see the shortcomings of others, especially those we spend the most time with. With God's grace that vision of others can sometimes become clear even in this world. Those are moments of grace and love we enjoy. Then, in heaven, it will be the norm.
McGuire says further in his homily, "We too are called not just to receive the Body and Blood of Christ but to be the Body broken for others, to be the Blood of Christ poured out for others. That is what makes us shine like the sun; when we are willing to give of ourselves so that others can have."
How is this possible? How can this be everyday life in my family or my marriage? Only the Holy Spirit makes this a reality. Today I saw it happen.
Researchers say that 96 % of what we learn is through the experience of seeing, and only 4 % is through what we hear. Good deeds speak louder than words. According to the St James' version of things, true charity or love is expressed in action (James 2:26).