Happy Easter everyone! This is UC Chimes' Easter message for all readers of the Carlyle Observer in Carlyle and surrounding Districts. It has been a long and cold winter with a lot of snow. Still winter-like weather keeps on going. This is more than a good enough initiation for me to know what a Saskatchewan winter is like. Many people have told me that the first winter is the most difficult one for newcomers who have moved to the Prairie. My wife and I have survived our first Saskatchewan winter without any significant harm or notable damage physically, psychologically or spiritually. Personally, I like winter as long as it doesn't go astray with extreme weather changes.
Among the four seasons, winter is the only season which overlaps two years; the passing old year and the coming new year. During winter we are able to have a time of inventory for the past year and at the same time to develop a good plan for the new year. Without the winter, nobody will be waiting for spring's coming with hope and excitement. This winter is almost over now, and spring will come soon with the hope of Easter. This year's Easter is earlier than other years. It will be the 31st day of March. Traditionally, people say that an early Easter means an early spring. But so far it hardly seems to be happening this year, but who knows? If spring comes early this year because of an early Easter, then it should be good for everyone. Everyone will welcome it with hopeful and thankful minds.
Easter changes everything. Not only does it change a season, but also Easter changes human history and destiny. Without Easter there is no faith, no hope or even no life. The first Easter began with darkness, despair and the death of Jesus on the Cross in order to give the people of the world new light, new hope and new life. Only a person who has had an experience of a deep darkness, such as surviving an underground mine collapse, may know what the darkness under the ground is like. Thus Jesus Christ, who "was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into hell. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven" (the Apostles Creed), knows what life in hell is like and in heaven as well. On that Easter morning, he conquered the power of death to give us eternal hope and life through faith in him. That is what the Easter story is all about.
The first Easter message from the angel was "He has been raised from the dead and indeed he is going ahead of you, to Galilee; there you will see him" (Matthew 28:7). Before Jesus was crucified on the Cross, the human Jesus was always with the people who were following him, for the people who needed his healing and teaching, and by the people who were supporting him. However, after Easter, the Risen Christ Jesus is going ahead of the people of the world in order to protect, guide and lead the people who are following him into the best way of living in given circumstances. Since the Risen Christ Jesus is always going ahead of us, he knows what our future is like. As long as you and I follow him, there is always faith, hope and love of Christ Jesus who is leading us into eternal hope and life. Everyone is invited to Easter Sunday Service at 10:30 AM at Carlyle United Church. Let us meet the risen Christ Jesus there!