For me, the past several weeks merit the description, "a season of new things". First, there was the necessary purchase of a new computer, complete with new programs and operating system. Oh, how I miss the old familiar ways!
Then there was a far less traumatic but totally unexpected incident in a local fast food outlet. After attending a symphony concert, a friend and I decided to go for a celebratory ice cream cone - only to find out that a group of young people brought their own liquid refreshments to accompany their burgers and fries. They were evicted and our exit was accompanied by flashing lights and local R.C.M.P. officers.
Warnings from Environment Canada proclaim a seasonal first - instead of rain, a heat wave complete with temperatures predicted to climb beyond anything I've experienced. As a former prairie dweller I'm used to extreme hot and cold but now as a dweller beside the ocean, those were supposed to be eliminated.
Oh yes, it's the beginning of another year for us and our neighbours. We Canadians celebrate July 1, our country's birthday, and three days later our US friends commemorate July 4. I'm most interested in finding out when my international readers celebrate their country's special day. To let me know, visit
On a more sombre note, there are some very difficult new beginnings for folks ravaged by floods, tornados and other weather-related calamities. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
In the midst of good or bad, there are two things that are sure: God's faithfulness and strength for the journey.
"His compassions fail not, they are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:23
"Your sandals shall be iron and bronze and as your days, so shall your strength be." Deuteronomy 33:25
May your week be filled with exciting "news"!