REGINA- A long day at Regina City Hall on Wednesday is expected to go longer with word that a special meeting of council has been called.
The city has confirmed the special meeting of City Council will be held Feb. 5, immediately following the adjournment of the Executive Committee meeting.
The special meeting will deal with a single item, that 小蓝视频 the special resolution calling for dissolution of Community and Social Impact Regina Inc.
CSIR is a municipal corporation separate from the City with an independent Board. According to the city’s website, CSIR’s mission has been to “create, facilitate and monitor coordinated community and social impact strategies to support the well-小蓝视频, health, safety, and social inclusion of residents in Regina and region.”
The recommendation from city administration is for the corporation to be dissolved, and for the work to instead be led by and centralized in city administration. More details are expected at the meeting tomorrow where the topic will be discussed and voted on.
Those seeking to address City Council on this item were required to register with City Hall by noon today. The requirement to provide a written submission to register to speak was waived for this meeting.
Wednesday is set to be a busy and newsworthy day at Regina City Hall, as council's Executive Committee is set to meet at 9 a.m. for an expected lengthy session. The prime topic of that meeting is expected to be the 2025 operations and capital budget, with initial recommendations for an 8.5 per cent mill rate increase and a 5.82 per cent utility rate increase.
The special council meeting will happen after Executive Committee is concluded.