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The Wood Pile - The GST Holiday Lesson

This is the first installment of "The Wood Pile" by Dr. R.H. Wood on 小蓝视频 which runs regularly in the Battlefords News-Optimist.

My “Wood Pile” contribution last week apparently contained too many long words and for this I apologize (see last week's column below this one). However, as I have explained in the past, these words may have been in my head for more than two generations and desperately want out – “prolixity” a favourite was ever so happy. “Orthography”, the art of spelling, was never my strong point, but I remember receiving much praise from Miss Phillips, my teacher, awe from classmates and astonishment for myself when I spelled “neighbour” correctly more than 75 years ago.

For this week I decided to use only small words containing only three letters – I gave up after two sentences and switched to four letters. This did not last long, and I gave up this line of thought which was a waste of time. However, it took my mind off current affairs and how our leaders – so called politicians, are getting this world into more and more trouble. Even the three-letter word, “war” can be heard. The prime troublemakers each have only five letters in their name – Trump and Putin. Hitler and Stalin had six letters each.

Mr. Trump has a preoccupation with Arctic waters pointing out that global warming is making them more navigable especially for foreign shipping and weaponry. Our northern reaches are thus more susceptible to attack and invasion as is the American mainland. While this is all true surely the next war will involve mainly aerial and missile attacks.

Mr. Poilievre is now promoting Canadian sovereignty with flag waving and drum beating. He is no longer clarioning the “Axe the Tax” slogan as this has been adopted by the two-tongued Liberal Party. They are likening Mr. Poilievre to Mr. Trump while Mr. Carney is becoming more Churchillian in speech and garb. Meanwhile Mr. Trudeau has been for a final goodwill trip to Europe at our expense to polish up his image just before “Cherry Blossom” time – who else remembers this still available footwear product? I am sure he will be awarded an international position although Mr. Trump may voice his opinion.

According to the Liberals, we have just enjoyed a surprise holiday meaning a six week break in paying tax on a limited range of items. Such arrogance – it was no holiday – it was an undisguised attempt to attract votes. For us, the surprise was not that over Christmas we saved about $60 on GST and HST, it was that to reach that figure we must have spent more than $1000 on an appropriate, but limited range of items, never mind whatever else we paid for at home and on a short visit to B.C. to watch grandson hockey.

Prorogation of Parliament means that most of our elected representatives who enjoy a good salary plus expenses and benefits have been paid for achieving nothing for weeks on end and yet they feel they should be re-elected.

 With world chaos brewing, our government not functioning, a general election looming, this country heading for bankruptcy, and Mr. Trump thinking up new tariffs and making repeated threats forcing us to become the 51st state, I have some choice words for the situation we are in – some quite long and some impolitely small.

Last week's column:

Verbose Prolixity

Mr. Trump, a man who must never sleep, or even nap after dinner, is full of ideas which he expounds without organized forethought especially on tariffs. In my opinion he is full of good intentions but has difficulty explaining himself – he needs an interpreter or an explainer by his side at all times to clarify what he really means. He is guilty of “verbose prolixity”, a phrase I have conjured up for him and as a gift for mankind. This classic tautology of similar words means that he rambles and is uncontrollably longwinded to the point of confusing himself and his listeners. The first word implies a degree of boastfulness. He has regrettably conflicted the Make America Great Again slogan (MAGA) with a wish to control immigration and drug trafficking. Tariffs on imported goods to support American industry together with border control has been ill-thought out. I have a suggestion to help him.

During the Second World War Britain had strings of stoutly constructed buildings of varying size and complexity which were used as lookout posts for German invaders. There were 28,000 of them, each perhaps half a mile apart strung around the country. Our U.S. border 小蓝视频 5,500 miles long means we would need 5,000 -10,000. Surprisingly, these look-outs were called “pill boxes” and ours would of course be checking for Fentanyl pill smugglers and illegal immigrants. Uniforms and still popular pillbox hats would be issued. The thick concrete walls were strengthened by scrap metal, old beds, bikes, ornamental railings and our front gates.

As for annexation providing magnanimous philanthropy to Canada, the correct interpretation of Mr. Trump’s thoughts is his desire for direct access to our resources. As for his interest in Gaza, the correct interpretation is not to take the place over but bring to mind that this cherished piece of real estate could have been a Riviera and that restoration will happen eventually. Peace on earth must come or we will destroy ourselves and the globe.

 Indefatigable Justin is back again in Europe to attend funeral activities in Lisbon for the late Aga Khan, a lifelong friend of the Trudeau family – no more holidays. In Paris he will give a keynote address on AI – artificial intelligence not veterinary procedures. In Brussels he will unveil his road to Damascus epiphanies regarding pipelines and trade barriers.

Mr. Carney is ahead in the Liberal party leadership race. His resumai claims his advice saved the British and Canadian economies. Please note the new woke spelling of this now unique word. Mr. Poilievre’s resumai merely states that he is a politician causing his popular vote to slump. Should he become P.M. he would have to move his family out of his government supplied mansion into cramped Rideau Cottage – such a bother.

If, prior to stepping down, supported by his personal and political resumai and opportunism, Mr. Trudeau has wisely appointed himself to his newly created semi-regal position of Fentanyl Czar, then our tariff concerns will be resolved instantly.


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