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Unity Health Care Auxiliary receives a boost for their endeavours

A significant boost to the endeavours of the Unity Health Care Auxiliary was received and put towards the purchase of new beds and mattresses for Unity Health Care Centre.

UNITY — The Unity Health Care Auxiliary continues its endeavours to help deliver care and comfort to those using health care facilities in Unity.

Unity Credit Union recently made a donation of $50,000 that enabled the auxiliary to purchase speciality mattresses that the facility was in need of. Eight beds and mattresses were purchased as a result of this donation. Some reserve funding the auxiliary had in place enabled the completion of funding for this purchase, which is a welcome addition to both acute care and the long-term care facility.

 “The health care system currently requires assistance in making purchases for items that do not currently fit their financial budget each facility is allocated,” UHCA spokesperson Bea Stephenson says.

“Our auxiliary is very grateful to the credit union and their board for their support of our organization and the work they do in our community.”

Stephenson also notes the UHCA continues to have support in the community from many different organizations and employers.

“The onset of COVID restricted the opportunity of fundraising and combined with their aging membership in the organization, this was of great concern for the last few years. But in true generosity, rural municipalities, (Grass Lake, Buffalo, Tramping Lake), Unity’s donor’s choice canvas, disbandment funds received from the Royal Purple, personal and memorial donations, support of the Christmas Greeting Board and businesses helped us generate sufficient funds for us to continue our efforts in assisting our health care facilities in the purchase of much-needed items in our health care facility.”

In the past four years, Unity’s health care auxiliary organization have contributed $184,000 to the purchase of equipment for the hospital and long-term care facility. Since 2019, they have purchased 10 long-term care resident lifts, a new stove for the recreation area, furniture for a pod in long-term care and a bladder scanner.

Along with these purchases, the auxiliary continues to support UCHS graduating students going into health care with two, $1,000 scholarships.

“We are proud to have the ability to assist in delivering second-to-none health care in our own small community, with the assistance of many amazing hospital staff and management, and a group of hardworking doctors,” Stephenson says.

“We hope to continue to offer the support the hospital and long-term staff requires, so the residents of Unity and area continue to receive top-notch care at our facility.”

Stephenson said none of this is possible without the continued support of the community. Now that in-person activities are back in our midst, the auxiliary is looking forward to hosting its annual spring tea and bake sale May 11.

As with any community organization, members are needed to keep the auxiliary’s mission going. Believing that health care is everyone’s responsibility, Stephenson said interested new members can contact her at 306-228-8399.


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