Making lifestyle changes isn't easy. Habits are hard to break. In the health and fitness industry, we see the greatest results when people make small, manageable changes over a period of time. Over the next few weeks I will give you a list of small changes you can implement each week to start your healthy lifestyle changes.
Day 1 - Get some exercise.
If you aren't exercising now, it is time to start. You don't have to start with a two-hour workout. Start by selecting 30 minutes, two or three times per week that you can commit to exercising. Get a gym membership, ask the staff for orientation and get started, slowly.
Day 2 - Replace one cup of coffee with a glass of water.
Just one cup each day.
Day 3 - Eat breakfast, every day.
You should eat breakfast within an hour of getting up in the morning. Your breakfast should include a form of protein. This could be yogurt, egg whites, cottage cheese or even a fruit smoothie with a scoop of protein powder.
Day 4 - Plan your lunch.
Do this the night before. This saves you from saying "I'll just grab something" if you are having a hectic morning. A packed lunch is almost guaranteed to be healthier and more nutrient packed than anything you can grab on the run.
Day 5 - Try a new fruit.
Just for today, try a new fruit you have never tried before.
Day 6 - Commit to using the stairs.
Stop using elevators unless absolutely necessary. Make this a permanent change.
Day 7 - Try something new with someone you love.
It might be a spouse, child, friend or other family member. Make an effort each week to do something with each other, something healthy. Go to the gym together, try out a boot camp class together or prepare a healthy supper together using ingredients you have never tried before.
It's easy to add a few things each week that can lead to a longer, healthier life. And you'll feel great doing it. The major point is that you want to make these changes gradually. Gradual changes result in long term benefits.
Watch next week for week two suggestions!
Say it! Mean it! Do it!