MELFORT — The school calendar has been set for North East School Division schools for the 2024-25 year.
The kids' first day back at school will be Tuesday, Sept. 3.
Christmas holidays will go from Dec. 23 to Jan. 3. The February break will be from Feb. 17 to Feb. 21. The Easter break will be a five-day break from April 18 to 25. There are statutory holidays on Oct. 14, Nov. 11, April 18 and 21 and May 19.
There are five days of Student Improvement Planning (SIP) days on Aug. 29, 30, Nov 18, Jan 29 and May 26. All these days, no students will be at school.
The last day of school for most facilities is scheduled for Thursday, June 26.
White Fox School and Arborfield Elementary School, which has a longer school day than other elementary schools, will have a final day of school on Friday, June 17.
A copy of both the
and White Fox Arborfield, Alternate calendar
Both calendars can be found on the NESD's website
For most schools, there will be 185 student days and 194 teacher days.