MEOTA — The “big event” coming up is the village garage sale all across town June 17 to 19. The seniors at the Do Drop In will be open June 17 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and are offering hot dogs and hamburgers in the back yard. The garage sale items will be inside the hall. This is in aid of the Ukrainian Relief Fund.
The Meota United- Anglican Church will be holding services for the next three months at 11:30 a.m.
The Meota Lakeshore Lions will be holding their eighth annual pasta night July 16, so watch for posters and mark your calendar. Tickets are available from Lawrie Ward at 306-441-8801.
Bridge in the city on May 31 had only two tables so played individual scores. First was Donna Scherman and second was Linda Ard. Tied for third and fourth were Cletus Scherman and Catriona Winterholt. On June 2 there were three tables with high score by Donna Scherman and Catriona Winterholt. Second were Vern Iverson and David Sharpe.
Seniors enjoyed golf June 2 when 18 players took part on a beautiful Sunny morning. Most of them stayed after their games to partake in a potluck brunch. The five teams came in with close scores. The winning team consisted of Jack Day, Terrence Dasilva, Cora Christiansen and Eric Callbeck.
There are a couple miles of highway south of Meota that is treacherous to drive on at night as there are no lines painted. When my daughter came last week, she said it was a scary experience after dark.
Canasta was played with 18 folks showing up June 3 at the Do Drop In. The table of six had top scores, with highest СÀ¶ÊÓƵ Gwen Lacerte, David Sayers and Karn Kelly. Second were Marion Ottas, Arlene Walker and Nestor Fransoo. Third were Carol Huys and Gail Hilderman.
On Saturday, all but one of my children and I attended a service at the Idylwild Cemetery, north of Bapaume, when the ashes of the late Ken Parker were interred. Following this time of socializing, we drove on up to the Parker farmstead where more visiting and looking at old pictures took place. At 5 p.m. they served up a meal and desserts. It was a perfect day done up in Ken’s memory and many a story was told about his life. We must express our appreciation to the Parker boys and their wives, Ken’s nephews, who did all the work organizing the event. There were relatives from British Columbia and many from Manitoba and Saskatchewan in attendance. It was a special day in every way, Thank you, Wyman and Tracy and Kelly and Ramona, for all your hard work.