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Spring activities rock the village

Prior to living here in Rabbit Lake our family lived in Kindersley.

Prior to living here in Rabbit Lake our family lived in Kindersley. When we decided to move "back home" our friends would ask, "Why would you move to a village? Nothing ever happens in a small town!" Let me assure them, and anyone who thinks in a similar vein, that nothing could be farther from the truth. Rabbit Lake has been as busy as ever over this spring season.

Fortunately we did not have to deal with any floodwaters. The snow seemed to melt slowly and steadily. As far as I know there are no wet basements, yet. The lake is beginning to melt off with someone estimating the ice to be about 45 feet out from shore. Over the Easter holidays several of the "lake people" arrived to check out their properties.

Meeting Lake Regional Park will officially open on the long weekend in May although Judy Kennedy at the concession will be having a Mother's Day supper May 8.

The Meeting Lake Regional Park Authority, which is appointed by the sponsoring bodies, consists of Alan Laughlin, chair, appointed by the Village of Rabbit Lake, Lynn Morrison, vice-chair, appointed by the RM of Round Hill, Janette Klaassen - secretary, appointed by the Village of Rabbit Lake, Harold Fast, appointed by the RM of Spiritwood, and Isabelle McLennan, appointed by the Village of Rabbit Lake. The RMs of Meeting Lake and Douglas did not appoint anyone to the authority this year.

The community sends its thoughts and get well wishes to Marlene Hildebrand who has undergone major surgery in Toronto. We hope to see you home soon.

Our sympathies go to Linda Kohlmann and to Mal and Delores Buckingham on the passing of one of our pioneers, Doris (Buckingham) Kohlmann. Doris was born on July 1, 1916 and spent almost all of her life in the Mullingar/Rabbit Lake districts. Recently she retired to North Battleford.

We also send condolences to Shirley Price and Dave Rohd, Leonard and Margaret McNabb and their families on the passing of their mother and grandmother, Florence McNabb. Florence was a long time resident of the Sandwith district. She was born on March 26, 1918. We are truly losing our pioneers. Doris's funeral was in North Battleford and Florence's was held in Sandwith.

April 20 was the monthly potluck for the Rabbit Lake Senior Sunrise Circle. A larger than usual crowd attended and it was fun. George Hildebrand had been out checking his fields that day when he spotted a small group of whooping cranes. He had taken pictures of the birds in flight and shared the photos at the supper. Apparently Rabbit Lake is on the migration path for whooping cranes. It is good to see that an endangered species is recovering.

April 23, the Rabbit Lake Hall Board hosted the annual Easter Supper in the hall. A larger than expected crowd attended that supper of ham and all the fixin's. Family home for the holidays and people out to the lake made the supper a full and fun place to be. One of the people home for a day was Eva Koebernick. Deanna and her husband Alston brought Eva out for a short visit. Eva is 93 years old and lives in a lodge in Devon, Alta. She says she feels pretty good and seemed pretty spry to me. Eleanor Lunan (nee Koebernick) has been spending the last week with her brother Paul. Eleanor is from Maple Ridge , BC.

Over the winter the library has sponsored programs for children and adults. The art classes for children, taught by Donna German, local artist, held a wind up and had art examples on display in the library.

A quilting group instructed by Marge Morrison of North Battleford and Lynn Morrison of Rabbit Lake spent several Wednesday nights creating quilted placemats using a certain, and according to my wife sometimes frustrating, technique. A show and tell evening was held April 13.

April 28, the Highway 378 committee met with Gordon Sherman chairing the meeting. The focus of the meeting was to update members of the committee and others involved with the work on how the process is going. Surveys have been taken and letters of support have been gathered. Gordon Sherman is certainly open to comments and feedback in regard to the condition of Highway 378.

May 3, the Northwest Museum Association will be holding its annual meeting in Rabbit Lake. Delegates from surrounding museums will gather for the day to listen to speakers and to have some fun. About 30 delegates are expected.

In the last column I indicated there would be a royal reception held following the royal wedding. This did cause a curious stir and raise a few questions, but it also caused 28 guests to buff up their finest hats and gloves in anticipation of an invitation to the gala. Well what a fine time it was that April 29 afternoon at the Rabbit Lake Seniors' Centre. Lace table clothes, fine china tea cups, delicate cucumber sandwiches, smoked salmon rolls, fruit cake, cream puffs, petit fours, tea and coffee, catered to by the "Royal WhistleStop" treated an impressive guest list. So who was there you might ask?

Well in no specific order I noted the following - Jean, countess of Rothermere; Margaret, Dutchess of Mildred; Helen, Lady of Rose Gill; Isabelle, Baroness of White Eagle; Joyce, Countess of Brighton; Christina and John, Duke and Duchess of Milnthorp; Irma, Princess of Lakewood; Cynthia, Countess of Pleasantsite; Ruth, Dutchess of Fraternity; Shirley, Countess of Eastvale; Norma, Princess of Athelstan;

Margaret, Dutchess of Avery; Marian, Countess of Artichoke; Bernice, Baroness of Biggar; Carol, Grand Dutchess of Nipiwin; Carol, Lady of Zoria; Ruth, Lady of Mirror Lake; Donald and Naomi, Grand Archduke and Great Dutchess of Hague-Tiefengrund; Donald and Linda, His Worship the Mayor and First Lady of the Grand Priory of Rabbit Lake; Melita, Princess Consort of Park Royal; Eleanor, Baroness of Westminster; Beryl, Dutchess of Kent and Lady of Medstead; Donna, Princess of the Lakeland, Cynthia, Princess of Pacholka; Gwendolyn, Lady in waiting, House of Rosthern; Patrick, Esquire of Round Hill and Captain of the Royal Cadets; Jeeves the Butler; and finally Carol, Her Royal Highness, Queen of England, Queen of Canada, Queen of India, Queen of Australia, Queen of the Commonwealth and Defender of the Faith!

Thanks to everyone who got into the spirit and joined the drama to make it a fun and memorable day.

Three door prizes were donated by Lady Carol of Zoria aka Carol Rohl. The first prize was a Royal Wedding Commemorative Kit won by Isabelle McLennan, the second prize and third prizes were souvenir stamps issued by Canada Post and released only on April 29. The winners of the souvenir stamps were Don Peters/Linda Lewis and Carol Patterson. Thanks Carol for the donation of prizes.

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