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Borden and District News: District Governor Beryl Bauer joins Borden Lions for banquet

Thirteen new members inducted into Borden Lions Club.

BORDEN— The Borden Community Centre Preservation Committee held a successful St. Patrick’s Day luncheon in the Community Centre March 17. During the meal, Celtic Country played 90 minutes of Irish music. The group includes Perry Nicol, Sean O’Conner, Bob Wardhaugh and Ed Neufeld with vocals by Archie Wainwright.

The raffle of a freezer full of food went to Janeen Penner of Langham (daughter of Ruben and Martha Rempel, Borden). Proceeds from the luncheon to go for new flooring in the main hall.

The Friendship Club held their monthly cash bingo March 15 with 29 out to play. Winning cash prizes were Megan Johnson, Anne Palmer, Marilyn Tallmadge (2), Ruben Rempel, Natalie Carson, Tex Rothenburger (2), and Jeanette Pauls. The $20 blackout went to Joyce Olzewski. The cookies and squares sold were supplied by Rosann Carr. The last bingo for the season will be held Wednesday, April 19 at 7 p.m. in the Friendship Club Room.

Winning the Borden Lions chase the ace raffle Thursday, March 16 was Lorraine Olinyk, with the queen of diamonds pulled. The jackpot keeps growing, so remember to buy your tickets at the village office, Roadside Inn, Bev Assman or e-mail [email protected].

The Borden Lions hosted District Governor Beryl Bauer along with his wife from Lake Lenore, at a banquet on March 18 in the Borden Seniors’ Room. The tables and room were decorated with an Irish theme and people were asked to wear green. There were 40 at the meal with a great dessert enjoyed after the blessing by Sheldon Carr.

Celtic Country provided Irish music before the meal and later on after the ceremonies.

President Perry proposed two toasts – to Lions International and to the king — introduced special guests, thanked the ladies at the bar and the catering committee for the meal, the Harkness sisters for cleanup and Celtic Country for the music.

Bauer gave a brief bio of his life then congratulated Borden on their many services to the community. On May 8, Borden Lions will have served the community for 42 years. He complemented the group for recruiting new members, saying Borden is a better place to live because of the Lions Club. He also spoke of Lions International causes in Canada and around the world during floods, earthquakes, fires and other disasters. District 6 communities have received grants totaling more than $1 million.

In the last four years LCIF has given grants of more than $325 million around the world.

Bauer urged Lions clubs to face hunger in local communities by giving to the needy, local food banks and food for the hungry at Easter.

A cheque from Borden Lions for $150 was given to Bauer for LCIF. He then presented pins and peace poster calendars.

A special New Voices Award for membership was presented to Lion Sandra Long. She received a certificate, pin and bracelet. Thirteen new members were then inducted, given certificates and pins. Their sponsors also received pins and certificates.

The evening ended with Celtic Country playing for a sing-along.

The Borden Farmers Market held their annual meeting for 2022 March 19 in the Borden Senior’s Room with 13 present. President Karen Kerr gave a report, citing 114 table rentals during the season, which was a drop from 2021, but the Christmas sale was great with a full house. Summer markets begin May 5 at the Borden Seniors’ Centre in the Community Centre, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and run every Friday until Oct. 6. There will be hot dogs and pie available for lunch every Friday.

The Christmas market is slated for Nov. 25, in the Borden Community Centre, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and lunch will be available. Two more vendors joined the market so there should be more variety in the upcoming year.

Officers remaining in their positions are Karen Kerr as president and treasurer Ruben Rempel. Elected were John Ridgewell as secretary replacing Lorraine Olinyk and Allie Zidkovich as vice-president, replacing Eileen Petrun. Joyce Olzewski also joins the board.

The market is looking to have a new logo designed and new signs will be put up in a few locations. Food vendor forms have to be sent in soon as they have to be approved by the Saskatoon Health Region before the first market.


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