BORDEN — The week of Oct. 21- 25 was Co-op Week and prizes were given out for shoppers. Credit Union Day was Oct. 24 and gift baskets were given to an adult and youth. It was also Library Week and a basket of goodies for adults went to S. Assman.
The Borden Friendship Club held a dessert tea Oct. 17, welcoming more than 30 guests. Donations from the tea and 50/50 draw won by Jan Sparks amounted to $347 and this was donated to the Borden Care Home. The club has their potluck supper and program on Friday, Nov. 1 in the Borden Community Centre at 5:45 p.m. and the bus trip to the Enchanted Forest Nov. 21 has only 22 seats left, so members wishing to go need to let Lorraine O. know at 306-997-2159 by Nov. 13 and pay $10 (club is paying for the bus).
Oct. 24, members of the Borden Friendship Club were invited to Maymont Seniors for a supper and program. Only a little over 20 from Borden were able to attend with those unable to go getting colds or having other commitments. Entertaining for the evening was Leo Brennan, a former resident of Maymont, and a songwriter, who played guitar and with background music played and sang many old and familiar songs and some of his songs.
The 50/50 draw for $106 went to Bev Hrynuik of Borden. The Maymont Club were also selling tickets for SSAI which will be drawn for in June of 2025 and Maymont gets back $1 for every $2 ticket they sell which is a great money raiser for the club. Sandra Long thanked Maymont for a wonderful supper and great entertainment.
Prairie Spirit School Division will be holding an election for a trustee in Subdivision No. 3 for the Borden/Langham area. Election day is Nov. 13 in the Borden Community Centre from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. with an advance poll Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the same place. Running for the position are Melissa Hosegood, Neal Maksymiw and Emily Summach.