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Preeceville Wildlife looks forward to prosperous year

Hunting is not just a sport, but a passion for many families.

PREECEVILLE - The Preeceville Wildlife Federation held its annual meeting and antler measuring at the Preeceville Community Legion Hall on Jan. 5.

“There was a good attendance even though it was a very cold day, with 12 white-tailed deer, four elk, two antelope, one moose, and one bear brought in for measuring. There were even some pheasant feathers brought in so the bars could be counted,” stated Heather Gawrelitza, club secretary/treasurer.   

President Greg Gawrelitza started the meeting with a moment of silence for all those who have passed away and will always be remembered. Gawrelitza thanked everyone for coming and thanked Blair Mitchell for coming out to be the official measurer. 

“One of the biggest announcements we had this past year was the land donation we received from Edgar and Doreen Thorsen,” he stated. “It is approximately five quarters, valued at $1 million and is dedicated as no hunting allowed. This land has the Assiniboine River running through it, as well as two small lakes. It also borders Nelson Lake which will make wonderful habitat lands."

The Thorsens were given a special appreciation plaque for their donation by the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation at a supper banquet in Saskatoon.

"Our local club also invited them as our special guests to our Annual Banquet and Awards Night and honoured them with a special club plaque and Preeceville Wildlife Federation jackets,” said Gawrelitza.

There were two chronic wasting disease positive tests from Zone 48. There was a self-serve testing station and freezer set up by Chris’ Place Restaurant in Preeceville and there is also a carcass disposal bin in front of C Hort’s Autobody from Sept. 1, 2024  to Jan. 31, 2025. There was a technician at the testing station for several scheduled days throughout the hunting season. They were also testing for Bovine Tuberculosis.  

At the meeting there was a discussion on the big game management licenses for a season running from Nov. 1 – 10, 2024 where 50 tags were available for the following rural municipalities: Livingston 331, Hazel Dell 335, Kelvington 366, Bjorkdale 426, and Leask 464. 

Concerns about Schutte Lake have been brought up to the club by many people and the club is looking into the aeration with the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation and Fisheries. 

The Annual Banquet and Awards Night is booked for March 22 and the club’s annual Online Auction Fundraiser with Bruce Schapansky Auctioneers will be in the early spring. 

Heather Gawrelitza, the treasurer for the club, gave her report, and she thanked all the businesses, members, and directors who helped make the fundraisers so successful.   

The club directors sold raffle tickets on a Your Choice Raffle with winners choosing what gift cards they would like. The winners for 2024 were: Trevor Bilan, first place and $1000; Mervin Blender, second place and $300, and Bret Konkel in third place, winning $200.

Heather went on to thank Marten Rosenkerr, Weyerhaeuser Safe Truck Driver of the Year for choosing the club to receive a $5,000 donation and to Corey Nelson, Weyerhaeuser Safe Truck Driver of the Quarter for his $1,000 donation. 

“Thank you to the families of Tony Roelens, Eli Wiwcharuk, Jerry Stefanyshyn, and Eugene Panasiewich for the memorial donations, and to Brett and Makayla Geistlinger and Noah and Natasha Tonn for asking the club to look after their bars at their weddings and for the donations and tips from their wedding guests. 

“Thank you to Brad Steppan for continuing the firearm safety program in our local area and to Johnny Petryshyn, Dave Knihniski, Nathan Dutchak, and Gerald Ignatiuk for helping with the course.” 

Alex Nagy, fisheries chair gave a report of the fish that were stocked this year in local lakes. Lady Lake received 1,000 brown and 1,000 brook trout, McBride Lake received 150,000 walleye fry, Nelson Lake received 50,000 walleye, and Saginas Lake received 200,000 walleye. Nagy also said, “Use caution and watch for signs at Lady Lake Regional Park because the aeration will be turned on during the week of Jan. 5.”

Greg Gawrelitza gave the Preeceville Wildlife Campground report and thanked Josh Erickson for donating his time and labour to the installation of the cedar roof in the campground bathrooms. ‘We had a good year with our last campers pulling out in late November,” Greg said.

Conservation Officer Johnny Petryshyn gave a report on the local area and also a reminder to make sure and remove your stands after the season in the forest. He also mentioned to remember to remove blinds or tree stands from the Wildlife lands daily. 

President Greg Gawrelitza called for elections three times.

Preeceville Wildlife Federation 2025 Executive is: Greg Gawrelitza, president and campground chair; James Bodnar, vice-president; Heather Gawrelitza, secretary/treasurer;  Brad Steppan, firearm safety chairman; Alex Nagy, fisheries chair; Owen Myhr, membership chairman; Steven Geistlinger and Colin Masko, Trophy co-chairs, and Dale Parkin, habitat chair. 

Directors are: Trevor Bilan, Arden and Karlie Jakubowski, Aspen Nagy, Mike van Nieuwenhuyze, Taylor and Shelby Sliva, Myron Shiplack, Dreyton Paul, Makayla and Brett Geistlinger, Trever Geistliner, Paul Nixon, Ellen McKenzie, Taylor and Justin Jakubowski, Noah Tonn, and Jessie Walker.  Lifetime memberships were presented to directors Howard Bilan, John Masko, Tony Steciuk and newly-elected Owen Myhr. 

Gift Card prize winner for attendance was Paul Nixon. The gift card winner for the adult measure raffle was Zander Neitling, and junior measure category winner was Dexter Penner.

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