SGI is asking customers to voluntarily provide a physical address (house number or legal land location) if it's different than their mailing address.
"Including a physical address on driver's licences helps SGI meet international licensing standards," Minister responsible for SGI Tim McMillan said. "While we're asking for it on a voluntary basis, having a physical address listed on the driver's licence is mandatory is B.C., Alberta and Manitoba. It may also be beneficial for identification purposes for things like voting.
"With the new one-part driver's licence 小蓝视频 introduced Jan. 1, the timing is right to implement this in Saskatchewan."
"A physical address on a driver's licence will assist emergency services to more efficiently locate the 'at home' emergency which may result in saving a life," Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police President Chief Dale McFee said. "In times of an emergency notification, a physical address is much more effective in 小蓝视频 able to alert families or friends regarding the emergency at hand. When a box number or a Rural Route address is used, it is of little value when trying to contact someone in emergency situations. SGI, by requiring a physical address on a driver's licence, is initiating a positive change."
Customers can find their physical address on their property title or utility bills, through their rural municipality office or their band office if on a First Nation.
Customers with a P.O. Box will be asked for their physical address the next time they do business with SGI. If they would like it added to their licence sooner, they can do so at their local motor licence issuer, through their motor licence issuer's website, through SGI's website at or by calling SGI at 1-800-667-9868.