Codie Prevost, 2010 SCMA Entertainer of the Year, passed thru' Dubuc last week and left some business cards and autographed posters.He was promoting a new album available on Itunesas wellas anew video on CMT.He was enroute to Darwell, Sk. for a concert on Aug. 13 - a stop on his "Get Loud Tour 2010." He said he enjoyed visiting Dubuc and we certainly enjoy having people stop off in our "little city!"Ron & Melba McAlpine had niece Marilyn McAlpine and hubby John Coffey visiting from Surrey, B.C. They alsohad avisit with cousin Gayla (Nelson) and John Hedstrom in the Dubuc Hotel.
Gayla & John Hedstrom have purchased the former John and Judy Talbot home on Noel St. Welcome to big "city" living in Dubuc Folks!! They will be using the house as a town house for now, as extra guest rooms and when road conditions are not good on the south grid.
Kiley Topliss of Balgonie has taken up a new hobby this year.He and his team of horses, Omar & Snort have entered horse-pull competitions in Duval, Radville, Swan River Mb., Hudson Bay (2 days) and Whitewood so far this summer. They have come away champions in the middle-weight division in all shows. On Aug. 14, family & friends motored to Whitewood to watch him place first again: his Mom Linda Ungar of Regina & Dave Carter of Spy Hill; his Dad, Lanny Topliss of Dubuc; Grandma Dorothy Skene of Yorkton; Aunt, Nellie Bucsis of Otthan; Chris, Jared & Hayden Topliss, Yorkton; Terra, Riley, Ashalee, Vivian & Jim Talbot, Dubuc; Curtis Nagy, Dubuc and Elaine & Laurie Kacsmar of Esterhazy.
Wayne & Joan Kerr of Dubuc were also in attendance helping Daughter-in-law Charlene and twins Jasmine & Jade with their Bouncers.