From left: planting trees for Town of Canora public works at the Canora Sports Grounds on Aug. 29 were: Priyank Patel, Aaron Herriges (director of leisure services), Kris Currie and Bronson Heshka. Kristin Olson of Crossroads Credit Union, right, stopped by with cold drinks and donuts “for the hard-working dedicated workers.” The Town received grant funding from the Crossroad Community Investment Fund for $5,000 and $10,000 through the Government of Saskatchewan's Municipal Economic Enhancement Program. Herriges said the 210 trees planted are a welcome addition to “naturalize the sportsgrounds to give it more of a park atmosphere, while creating a much needed shelterbelt to reduce erosion and provide shade. The hope is to add more eventually, but this is a great start. At full maturity some will reach as high as 80 feet, but many will mature at 40 feet high with wingspan or 30 feet.”