Canora Junior Elementary School (CJES) has been receiving significant community support for the CJES/School Community Council goal of a 1:1 student-device ratio.
“CJES would like to thank Titan Pipeline Services, Brandi and Jason Fullawka, for their very generous donation of $1,000,” said Rod Steciuk, principal. “This donation follows a $3,000 donation from the Crossroads Credit Union and a $7,000 donation from the CJES School Community Council. These donations on top of what Good Spirit School Division has been able to fund will continue to promote quality teaching and increased student engagement and learning.”
But the challenge continues. Having a 1:1 student to device ratio currently means needing 61 iPads and 76 Chromebooks. The challenge is also budgeting to replace the ones that become three to four years old and no longer support the updates required to run current applications.