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Decoration Day honours those served their country

Wreaths laid in remembrance of the many sacrifices made in pursuit of peace.

Under mostly sunny skies, the Decoration Day service was held at the Canora Cemetery on June 5 to pay tribute to those who gave so much to serve Canada in times of war and peace.

The service opened with the singing of O Canada.

Wreaths were laid in tribute at the Cenotaph and at the graves of veterans by members of the Canora branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, including: Christ Sokoloski, president; Kylee Toffan, secretary, and members Randy Molyneaux, Lorie Negraeff, Deb Gabora and Lori Dennis.

Thom Carnahan, Padre of the Canora branch, read scripture from Psalm 46, verses 1, 8 and 9.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. He makes wars to cease to the ends of the earth; He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the shields with fire.”

Carnahan then shared his reflection on the significance of Decoration Day in 2022, including the need to strive for peace.

“We are aware of the unneeded and illegal, by international standards, Russian war on Ukraine. I believe that throughout history our species has survived mainly by love, co-operation and sharing. We are hopeful that a lasting peace can be achieved and a third world war can be averted. We need to do whatever we can to support the people of Ukraine and all those in the world who are suffering as a result. We need not despair or lose hope. There is always the possibility for hope for God is with us. Amen.”  

Chris Sokoloski recited The Act of Remembrance.

 “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

“Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

“At the going down of the sun and in the morning

“We will remember them.

“We will remember them.”

The program was closed with the singing of God Save the Queen.

All in attendance were invited to the Legion Dugout in Canora for cake and coffee.

At the Dugout, Kylee Toffan was presented with her Legion medal to recognize her service on the Canora branch executive as secretary.

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